Notation for cue sheets


The music consists of beats and measures. Each beat is denoted by one comma and each measure is denoted by one colon. In 2step rhythm, we have 4 beats for one measure, and in waltz timing, we have measures of 3 beats only.


This notation consequently is used in the fine prints. For the quick cues, in most cases it is sufficient to use colons only. From the number of colons after each figure the cuer knows, how much time is needed for each figure.

In some cases, you get in trouble with this notation. Some figures e.g. need 1 1/2 measures, like the jive basic. Here you may find 2 figures, and then 3 colons.



ack:      acknowledge
apt:      apart
arnd:     around
beh:      behind
Bfly:     butterfly position
Bjo:      banjo position
bk:       back
bk2bk:    back to back
bwd:      backward
CBjo:     contra banjo
chg:      change
chk:      check
chkit:    check it
cl:       close
COH:      center of hall
CP:       closed position
CSCAR:    contra sidecar
dbl:      double
DC:       diagional to center
DCR:      diagional to center and RLOD
diag:     diagonal
DLC:      diagonal LOD and center
DLW:      diagonal LOD and wall
DRC:      diagonal RLOD and center
DRW:      diagonal RLOD and wall
DW:       diagonal to wall
fc:       face
fcg:      facing
fc2fc:    face to face
ft:       foot or feet (depends on context)
fwd:      forward
hnd:      hand
L:        left
LF:       left face (turn)
lk:       lock
LOD:      line of dance
LOP:      left open position
M:        man (boy)
man:      manuver (less common, but still used)
Manuv:    maneuver
mod:      modified
mom:      momentary
NY:       new york
OP:       open position
piv:      pivot
PP:       promenade positoin
prog:     progressive
pt:       point
ptr:      partner
PU:       pick up position
q:        quick
R:        right
rec:      recover
rev:      reverse
RF:       right face (turn)
rk:       rock
RLOD:     reverse line of dance
s:        slow
SCAR:     sidecar position
SCP:      semi closed position
scis:     scissors
sd:       side
std:      standard
stp:      step
tam:      tamara
tam bk:   tamara back
tch:      touch
trans:    transition
trav box: travelling box
trn:      turn
tog:      together
Vars:     varsovienne position
vn:       vine
W:        woman (lady)
wk:       walk
X:        cross
X body:   cross body
XIB:      cross in back (or cross behind)
XIF:      cross in front

Do you find anything, that is missing here? Please let me know.
Martin Prüfer,