Tempa Jive
Choreographer: Macuci
Jive Phase V+2
Intro - fcg, no hnds, wait 3 beats
sd, cl, sd, pt; sd, cl, sd, pt;
2 sd closes;
Part A -
link to whip turn;;
fallaway throwaway -
change L to R;;; Am. spin -
basic;;; jive walks - swivel 4 -
throwaway -
change hands X back;;;;; (RLOD)
change L to R (COH) - Am. spin;;; (Bfly)
Part B -
windmill 2x;;; (handshake)
underarm turn - turkish towel -
lead your girl - spin your girl -
sd chasse;;;;; chasse roll -
rk & roll 1 triple;;; (face)
change R to L (hndshake) -
rolling off the arm - basic;;;;;
Part C -
jive walks - swivel 4 -
triple manuv/double whip turn
fallaway throwaway (overturn)
girls turn back & freeze
chicken walks - chicken walks -
chicken walks;;;;;;;;;;
End - Scp/RLOD
rk bk, rec, pt, freeze;
SEQUENCE: Intro - A B C - A B - B - End
ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.round-dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de