The children
Choreographer: Barton
Waltz Phase V
Intro -
OPfcg wait;; sway apt; & tog;
fwd, (trn) sd, behind;
fwd, hover to face;
ronde & slip to bk-to-bk; roll;
sync vine; chair & turn to RLOD;
thru chasse; chair & turn to LOD;
PU/aerial ronde; opposition pts;
bk hover to Scp; weave 3;
sync twist vine; weave 3 to Scp;
chasse to Bjo; manuv;
Part A -
open imp; open nat'l;
outside spin & pivot;; (Scp/DLC)
flat whisk/develope; link to Scp;
PU lock; rev fallaway slip;
open tele; hinge; opp points;
trans; R lunge roll & slip;
open tele; ripple chasse;
curved feather check;
tripple chasse pivots;; open imp;
qk open rev; semi chasse;
hover to Bjo; outside spin;
curved feather; trans;
same foot lunge; rec to hinge line;
back hover to Scp;
running open nat'l; rising lock;
open tele; wing;
Part B -
double rev spin 2x;; (DLC - LOD)
fallaway ronde & chasse to LOP;;
twirl to Bjo; manuv;
hesitation change;
contra check, hold, rec;
back hover to Scp; weave to Bjo;;
manuv; open imp; PU dbl lock;
double telespin;;;
throwaway oversway; link to Scp;
double telemark ending;
runnning nat'l telemark;
fwd, fwd/lk, fwd; manuv;
spin & twist;; back, sd, close;
1 LT; (RLOD) hover corte;
fallaway chasse; slow whisk;
prog wing;
End -
open tele; thru & vine; solo roll;
sync vine; chair, rec, turn;
fwd chasse; chair, rec, turn;
thru, fwd & hold;
SEQUENCE: Intro - A - B - End TYPED)
Martin Prüfer,