Walkin my baby back home

Choreographer: Gotta
Fox/Jive Phase IV

Intro - L shadow/LOD - both LF free
  wait;;  hip rocks - 2 slows/3 quicks -
  both close - trans;
  (M - L,R; L,R,L, close;  W - L,R; L,R, close;)

Part 1 - 
  scis across 2x;;  (OP)
  swivel walk 4 - W trans - tch;; (escort)
  2 sd 2-steps;;  
  monkey walk 4 - W trans - cl;; (OP)
  REPEAT ;;;;;;;; (stay in escort)

Part 2 - 
  W roll to LO (overturn);  
  step, swivel to face;
  W roll in 4 to CP; (M - bk, cl;) (LOD)
  dip back & rec to wall;
  scis thru checking;  rec, sd, thru;
  qk open vine 4; (Bfly)  side, draw, cl;
  traveling box;;;;  2 turn 2's;; (Scp)
  1 fwd 2-step; (SD Promanade)  
  W roll across;

Part 3 - 
  thru vine 8;;  roll W across in 4;
  soft run 4 to OP;

Part 1 - 
  scis across 2x;;  (OP)
  swivel walk 4 - W trans- tch;; (escort)
  2 sd 2-steps;;  
  monkey walk 4 - W trans - cl;;

Part 2 - 
  W roll to LO (overturn);  
  step, swivel to face;
  W roll in 4 to CP; (M- bk, cl;) (LOD)
  dip back & rec to wall;
  scis thru checking;  rec, sd, thru;
  vine 4; (Bfly)  sd, draw, cl;
  traveling box;;;;  2 turn 2's;; (Scp)
  1 fwd 2-step; (SD Promanade)  
  W roll across;

End - 
  M roll across;  W roll across;
  M roll across;  	W roll - both fc wall;
  W wrap in 3;  unwrap in 3;
  M hold - W circle vine in 4 to face;
  W roll in 4 to CP; (M-bk,cl;)
  dip & hold;


ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.round-dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de