When will I

Choreographer: Prow
Waltz Phase V+2

Intro - shadow/DRW
  both LF free -wait;; 	shadow contra check & switch; 
  bk, chasse;  	  curved feather;  
  tipple chasse - W twirl/trans; (Bfly/Scar)
  X hover telemark; (Scp) 
  manuv/pivot 2;

Part A - 
  hover telemark;   running open nat;   	back, chasse;   closed wing;   
  open telemark;   	ripple chasse;   
  curved feather;   tipple chasse;
  rhumba X - 2x;; hover tele; 
  chair,hold, rec/slip;

Part B - 
  double rev;   drag hesitation;  
  bk, bk/lk, bk;   bk hover telemark;  
  quick open rev;    bk to hinge;
  hover exit;   open natural;   
  outside spin & pivot;
  rhumba X;   hover telemark;

Inter - 
  in & out runs;;   semi chasse;   
  PU, sd, cl;  (go to "A" - "B","C")

Part C - 
  running open nat;   rising lock;  
  double rev;    left curving 3; 
  outside check; outside change Scp;
  sync vine;  PU lock;  left curving 3; 
  bk, chasse;   fwd, fwd/lk, fwd;  
  curved feather;   outside spin;
  qk lk, slow lk;   bk curving three;  
  one left turn;   bk to prom sway; 
  change of sway;  fallaway ronde slip;
  (go to "B" - this page)

Part B - 
  double rev;   drag hesitation;  
  bk, bk/lk, bk;   bk hover telemark;  
  quick open rev;    bk to hinge;
  hover exit;   open natural;   
  outside spin & pivot;
  rhumba X;   hover telemark;
  (go to "END")

End - 
  semi chasse;  thru to prom sway; 
  change of sway;  	fallaway ronde slip; 	open telemark;   
  semi chasse & qk thru;   
  HI line & rev wrap -  M trans; 	
  shadow contra check;

SEQUENCE: Intro - A B - Inter - A B C - B - End

ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.round-dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de