Baby likes to rock it
2-Step Phase II+1
Choreographer: Bob & Jackie Scott
Record: Arista 12717-7
Intro - OP fcg
Wait 2;; apt pt; tog tch (OP);
circ away 2 2s;; strut tog 4;;
2 sd cl; sd thru (SCP); dbl hitch;;
vine apt 3; vine tog 3 (fc, no hands);
solo L trn 2stp Box;;;;
Part A _ SCP
dbl hitch;; fwd lk fwd - 2x;; hitch 4; wk 2 (CP);
2 trn 2s (PU);; 2 fwd 2s;; prog Scis (chkit);;
Fishtail; wk 2; fwd hitch; hitch/Scis (SCP);
Part B - SCP
fwd 2stp; rk fwd & rec; bk 2stp; rk bk & rec (CP);
Box;; vine/twirl 2; wk & PU;
2 fwd 2s;; prog Box;;
prog Scis;; fwd hitch; hitch/Scis (CP);
Part C - CP
trav Box (W rev twirl - OP);;;;
2 fwd 2s;; Lady only: rk the Boat 2x;;
strut 4;; Man only: rk the Boat 2x;;
2 fwd 2s;; Lady only: rk the Boat 2x;;
strut 4;; Man only: rk the Boat 2x (SCP);;
Ending - SCP
2 fwd 2s;;op vine 4;; & pt to LOD;
SEQUENCE: Intro - A A B C - A B B - Ending
Martin Prüfer,