I'm so lonesome
Waltz Phase II
Record: Red Boots 904
Intro - Bfly
Wait 2;; Bal L; Bal R;
Part A - Bfly
Waltz away; chg sd; bwd waltz; bk, draw, tch to CP (fcg center);
2 L trng Walztes to fc Wall;; Dip, Twist,-; Rec, sd, close;
L trng Waltz Box;;;;
Sd, pt (to rev),-; Sd, pt (to LOD),-; Vine twirl; thru, sd,cl;
Part B - Bfly
Waltz away; pick up to Scar; Twinkl to Bjo; Twinklmanuv;
2 R trng Waltzes (fc Wall);; half Box fwd; thru, sd, cl;
roll 3; thru, sd, cl (to Bfly); Bal L; rev twirl to fc rev;
Twinkl thru; twinkl thru to fc; vine twirl; thru, sd, cl;
Ending - Bfly
two sd draw closes;;vine twirl; thru & pt,-;
SEQUENCE:Intro - A B - A B - Ending
ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.round-dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de