Listen to the Music
Cha-Cha/Fox Phase IV+2
Choreographer: Chuck & Sandi Weiss
Record: WB 0407
Intro - L op fcg trail feet free
Wait 1; Aida; switch (with lk); rk sd rec, X sd X;
Alemana;; hnd to hnd; spt trn;
Part A - Bfly
1/2 Basic; Fan; Hockey Stick;;
N Yorker; Underarm trn; Fence line - twice;;
shldr to shldr 4 (R Hand shake);
Part B - R Hand shake
op hip twist; Fan; full Alemana;;
1/2 Basic; X-body; 1/2 Basic; X-body (Bfly - no Hands);
Part C - Bfly - no Hands
rk sd rec, X sd X; 2 sd cl; repeat;;
Alemana;; hnd to hnd - twice;; hnd to hnd 4 (Bfly);
Interlude 1 - Bfly
twirl cha & rev;; full Basic;;
Interlude 2 - CP (Fox)
(Fox) Whisk; PU, sd cl; 2 Fox L trns;;
Hover; thru, fc cl; vine 4; swivel cl - twice;
Ending - Bfly
rk sd rec, X sd X; 2 sd cl; repeat;;
Alemana;; Aida to rev (in 3);
SEQUENCE: Intro - A B C - Int1 - A B C - Int2 - C - Ending
Martin Prüfer,