Reet Petite

Jive Phase V+
Choreographer: Michael & Regina Schmidt
Record: Star 117

Intro - L-OP fcg
  Wait 2;; link to a whip trn;;

Part A - CP
  chg R to L - sweetheart shove;;; chg L to R - am spin;;;;
  link to whip trn;; s bk swivels;;
  fallaway rk - fallaway throwaway;;; stop & go;;
  link to dbl whip trn - chg R to L;;;;
  sweetheart shove - chg L to R;;; basic (Bfly), rk rec;;

Part B - Bfly
  flicks into breaks (3 pt steps, 4 kick steps) -
  drop ball chg - throwaway - chg L to R (Bfly);;;;;;;
  rk rec, wrap 2;

Part C - wrapped pos
  lunge/look & snap 2x;; lunge look, lunge look;
  chg L to R - am spin;;; link to whip throwaway;;
  windmill 2x;;;  1) rk rec, wrap 2;
  repeat;;;;;;;;;;; 2) dbl rk;

Part D - CP
  flicks into breaks (3 pt steps, 4 kick steps) -
  drop ball chg - throwaway - link to dbl whip trn;;;;;;;;|8
  chg R to L - chg L to R;;; rk rec, wrap 2;

Ending - CP
  chg R to L - sweetheart shove;;; chg L to R - am spin;;;;
  link to whip into cl pt;;

SEQUENCE: Intro - A B C D - C D(8) - End

Martin Prüfer,