Sweet Caroline
2-Step Phase II
Choreographer: LP-Version
Record: LP Bert Kaempfert
Intro - OP FCG
Wait 2;;quick vine apt and tog to Bfly;;
quick sd tch twice; slow Apt-pt, tog tch to SCP;;wk 2;
Part A - SCP
2 fwd 2s;; lace up to Bfly;;;; vine 8;;
Part B - CP face wall
Box;; rev Box;; Std Scis to Bjo;;
dbl hitch;; 2 trn 2s (keep her in front);;
Part C - CP LOD
Prog Scis to Bjo;; lk 4;
wk and fc; 2 trn 2s;; 1) keep her in front
repeat;;;;;; 2) SCP
Interlude - SCP
2 fwd 2s;; vine apt and tog to Bfly;; quick sd tch twice;
slow Apt-pt to PU;;wk 2;
Ending - SCP
Scis thru both ways (to OP);; wk 2; Apt, pt;
SEQUENCE:Intro - A B C - A B C - Interlude - C - Ending
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de