Tie a yellow Ribbon

2-Step Phase II+1
Choreographer: Corky & Paulette Pell
Record: Intro - OP fcg Record:AFS 9171
  Wait 2;; apt pt; tog tch (CP);
  rk sd,rec (Scar); fwd 2step; rk sd,rec (Bjo); fc 2step;

Part A _ CP
  Strolling vine (SCP);;;;
  wk 2; hitch/Scis (Bjo);wk bk 2; hitch/Scis (SCP);
  2 fwd 2s;; op vine 4;; 2 trn 2s;;twisty vine 4;;
  sd draw cl - twice;; twirl 2; wk & PU;

Part B - PU
  2 fwd 2s;; strut 4;; prog Box;; Strut 4;;
  prog Scis;; fwd hitch; hitch/Scis (SCP);
  Circ away two 2steps;; strut tog in 4 (Bfly);;
  fc to fc; bk to bk; basketball trn (Bfly);;
  rk sd,rec (Scar); fwd 2step; rk sd,rec (Bjo); fwd 2step(to CP);
                                                         (to Bjo)
Part C - Bjo
  fwd & chk; slow beh sd; lk 3 - twice;;
  rk fwd, rec; bk 2step; rk bk, rec (SCP); fwd 2step;
  circ away two 2s;; strut tog in 4 (to Bfly);;

Interlude - Bfly
  limp 4, sd draw tch;;  limp 4 (to rev), sd draw tch;

Part D - OP
  2 fwd 2s;; strut 4;; op rev Box;; strut 4 (to Bfly);;
  fc to fc; bk to bk; basketball trn;; circ away two 2s;; strut tog 4;;

Ending - Bfly
  rk sd & rec; SusiQ; rk sd & rec; SusiQ;twirl 2; apt & pt;

SEQUENCE: Intro - A B - A B C Int D- Ending

ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.Round-Dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de