White Sport Coat

Fox Phase IV+1
Choreographer: Jerry & Perry Lefeavers
Record: Columbia 13-33013
Intro - PU
  Wait 2;; 2 sd tchs;dip bk & rec;

Part A - PU
  3step; Manuv sd cl;OP Impetus (SCP);
  natural hover X (Bjo); wk & chk; Fishtail;
  wk & fc; Fox Box;; Vine 3; thru sd cl;
  hover (SCP); thru sd cl; vine/twirl 3; PU sd cl;

Part B - PU
  4 Diamond trns (Bjo);;;;
  3step; Manuv sd cl;
  spin trn; 1/2 Box bk;
  prog Box;; 2 L trns (CP);;
  Whisk (SCP); fwd hover (W to Bjo);
  bk hover (W to SCP);  15
  PU sd cl;

Ending - SCP
  thru sd cl; 2 sd tchs; apt pt;

SEQUENCE: Intro - A B - A B(15) - Ending

ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.Round-Dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de